You can jot stuff down, draw pictures, or record them as detailed notes-it’s totally up to you.As various things happen throughout your day, simply log them.Get a journal that’s comfortable enough to carry with you wherever you go.The best part about this journaling habit is that you literally have a hand-written record of what you’ve done on any given day… And believe me when I tell you that it comes in handy. The daily log is when you journal about your day-to-day: what you did, what you ate, who you saw and spoke with. This is a good thing, because it helps you hone-in on what you really want in life. Do this for 30 days - wake up, re-write your goals, don’t look at the previous day - and what you’ll notice is that your goals will begin to clarify, transform, or change altogether.The next day, wake up and do the same thing without looking at the previous day.Every morning, before you begin your day, open up a fresh page in your journal and write down your top 10–15 goals.Great ideas hit you out of nowhere, and your mind urges you to take action on them until your goals become a reality. Something magical happens when you regularly write down what you really, truly, genuinely want in life-you actually start to get it.Journaling my goals reminds me what matters most to me right now (when you do this, you’ll find that some of the goals you re-write will get more specific, while others will change or get forgotten about all together).There are two reasons I decided to make this journaling idea a life-long habit:

This is a daily practice for me-I’ll never miss a day for the rest of my life. Every morning, I wake up, grab my journal, and re-write my goals. It’s also a crucial part of my morning routine, and something I’ve been doing daily for over five years. This is by far my favorite of all the journaling ideas on this list. Stream below or listen on: iTunes | Spotify Because they’ll only work if you work them… Whichever one of these journaling ideas you decide to use, just promise me this: you’ll actually use them. Either to get through tough times, to achieve my goals, maintain my sanity, or to foster my creative efforts (like fleshing out topic ideas for articles, podcasts or talks.) I’ve used all of these journaling ideas below at some point in my life. You can use them all, combine the ones you like, or pick the single journaling idea that most resonates with where you’re at in life right now.Įither way, journaling-when done regularly-almost always leads to fresh, new insights and ideas that can absolutely transform your life. Today, I’m going to share some of my personal favorite journaling ideas. It all depends on what you fill that journal’s pages with. The journal-it’s one of those things that can be as useless as a piece of trash, or one of the most valuable things you’ve ever owned… throwing my journal into the fire, the journal would win every single time. If I had to choose between throwing my iPhone into a burning fire vs.